Intro to Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) (all languages)

A practical introduction to using AI in translation!

10am to 1pm PT, May. 3, 2025

Artificial intelligence is fast becoming a fact of life in general, and an ubiquitous tool in the field of translation. This live, instructor-led, language neutral webinar will orient you to the process of machine translation post-editing and provide practical exercises illustrating how it works.


Topics include:

  • A brief overview over MT systems including statistical MT, neural MT, and Large Language Models (generative Artificial Intelligence (AI))
  • The difference between full PE and light PE and other important definitions
  • Skills that post-editors should have
  • Which document types are suitable for post-editing and which are NOT
  • Expectations in terms of speed and productivity for considerations with respect to remuneration
  • Generative AI and “automated” post-editing
  • Quality metrics and post-editing metrics
  • Machine translation error categories and classifications
  • Concrete practical examples of typical MT behavior
  • The post-editing workflow in real life, including light versus full post-editing
  • Providing proper linguistic feedback to MT software engineers


CEUs available for AZ, CO, FL, KY, MS, NE, OK, PA, TN


Instructor: Carola F. Berger, PhD, CT is an ATA-certified patent and technical translator and post-editor, translating and post-editing between German and English, doing business as CFB Scientific Translations LLC. Carola has not only been post-editing machine translated patents for a few years, she has also taken courses on MTPE and the inner workings of neural machine translation and even coded her own MT engine. In 2022, she co-authored a presentation on quality metrics for the MT Summit 2022 by AMTA (the American Machine Translation Association). She has held in-person and online workshops on MTPE for the American Translators Association and for the Northern California Translators Association.

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