“With only a small degree of hyperbole, the immigration laws have been termed second only to the Internal Revenue Code in complexity. A lawyer is often the only person who could thread the labyrinth.” Baltazar-Alcazar v. I.N.S., 386 F.3d 940, 948 (9th Cir. 2004)
Immigration is a vast and complex field of law, and nearly all interpreters have provided interpretation related to some aspect of an immigration claim. If you interpret regularly in the immigration setting, or aspire to do so, this course is for you.
In this three-hour, instructor-led session, you will learn how the U.S. immigration system is structured and the contours of its relationship with the state and federal justice systems. You will also learn about the most common types of immigration remedies that interpreters may encounter in both immigration court and at USCIS.
CEUs available for the ATA, AZ, CA, CO, FL, KY, MS, NE, OK, OR, PA, TN
Instructor: Tamber Hilton, Esq., a federally certified Spanish interpreter and immigration attorney currently practicing in Tucson, Arizona.