The National Center for Interpretation is pleased to announce a brand new webinar designed for Spanish/English interpreters!
CEUs available for AZ, CO, FL, KY, MS, NE, OK, OR, PA, TN
This live, instructor-led webinar provides a detailed view of workers compensation cases which legal interpreters frequently encounter in their work. Both legal and linguistic considerations will be presented. Interpreters will learn about:
- A special category of cases based on administrative law and regulations
- Who is covered by workers compensation
- Insurance and workers compensation
- Types of injuries in workers compensation cases
- Initial steps after a work injury
- Accepted and denied claims
- Medical treatment during the pendency of a workers compensation case
- Work during the pendency of a workers compensation case
- Workers compensation hearings
- Depositions
- Medical evaluation and calculation of temporary and permanent disability
- Settlement options and types of settlements
- Employer defenses
- Areas of disputes in workers compensation cases
The specialized vocabulary used in workers compensation cases will be presented in detail. There also will be an opportunity to sight translate a workers compensation settlement document and a workers compensation fact sheet provided for injured workers.
Instructor: Carmen Patel, JD, is a practicing judicial interpreter. She holds California court and federal court certifications.