A new webinar!
The National Center for Interpretation is pleased to announce a new webinar designed for Spanish/English interpreters!
In Mexico, “banqueta” is the sidewalk of the street, while in all other parts of the Spanish-speaking world “banqueta” is merely a stool.
“Bomba” in Colombia may refer to a party balloon or a gas station (the latter meaning is also applicable in Venezuela). It can also mean "pump" (as found in gas stations) or it can refer to an explosive device!
“Kilo” in Cuba strictly means a one-cent coin, a penny, as we call it stateside, whereas in all other Spanish-speaking countries it is a unit of measure, a kilogram.
Can these different meanings become incriminating if the unsuspecting judicial interpreter doesn't strike the right interpretation chords in applicable settings?
The different varieties of the Spanish language pose a major challenge to interpreters. Each Spanish-speaking country has its own accent, and accents may even vary within a given Spanish-speaking country. In addition, lexical differences add another level of complication: some specific words may vary in meaning from one country to another, while different countries may use different words altogether to refer to the same thing.
CEUs available for AZ, CO, FL, KY, MS, NE, OK, OR, PA, TN, TX
Workshop topics include:
- How and why Spanish is not a homogeneous Castilian language!
- Discussion and illustration of regional varieties of major Spanish-speaking countries.
- Problematic words and speech sounds to prepare interpreters for unexpected challenges that may arise in different legal interpretation settings.
Instructor: Jason Knapp is a freelance Spanish/English interpreter and translator based in Louisville, KY. He is both state and federally certified as a court interpreter. He holds a post graduate diploma in specialized interpreting from Universidad del Salvador. Jason is active in several professional associations and currently serves on committees for both NAJIT and the ATA.